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Corporate Taxation

Why is corporate taxation important:

In the business environment, each and every business decision has its taxation implications. A successful business must have an effective tax strategy that takes advantage of tax incentives and avoids penalties due to non-compliance. A well prepared tax planning will help the business reduce its tax liability, thereby increases its profitability. 
Malaysia corporate tax rate stands at 24%, while SMEs with chargeable income less than RM 500,000 enjoy lower tax rate at 19%. Thus, it is critical for companies to engage a professional tax agent to examine and optimize the tax position of the company. 

What we offer 

As an approved tax agents with extensive experiences in the preparation and submission of tax returns for companies spreading across various industries, we are able to provide advices and guidance to management to optimize the tax position of the company. 
Our firm also emphasizes to keep up-to-date with the changes in tax regulations, and get familiarize with the impacts of any new tax incentives given by the authority. By notifying these tax incentives and updates timely to management, it allows the management to incorporate taxation implications in the business decisions. 
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